Thursday, October 13

What a Busy Day

I am rushing lots of things to finish in the office. It's a long list of things to do before I leave: payroll, SSS contribution, banks, payments, 2550Q. This is aside from the personal things that I need to do within the day as well: run registrations, bank, payments, pick up of hydration belt, buy list of groceries and meds to bring  to SG, buy power gels and energy bars for two races. And when all is done within the afternoon and when I get home I need to pack for two trips,  for my travel tomorrow for Singapore for my race with TNF100 on Saturday and for my trip on Monday for Kinabalu when I get back from Singapore for my race in Kinabalu Climbathon this coming Oct 22. All of this I need to do before I leave tomorrow. Whahhhh...I can feel the butterfly on my stomach the entire morning and I know this will continue until the afternoon. I know everything will turn out fine and everything will be worth the stress.

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