Thursday, January 12

"Something Worth Suffering For"

Beautiful Plaza Argentina - photo taken by Mondy
Doing Aconcagua is not an easy one, in fact reading and transferring what I wrote on my journal to this blog until now made me realize that  I write so much about the challenges and difficulties that I encountered up in the mountain rather than the joy, happiness  and excitement that I had on each day that we are up there.

But now that I am back in the city, I can't remember so much how I suffer anymore, all I remember are the beautiful and magnificent place that I've been to, the great and priceless experience that I had with the mountain and the people that I was with on the expedition, the people that I meet along the way that leave mark in my heart for the rest of my life.

Most of the women of my age had already gone to the next level in life, getting married and raring children. I call that next level for it's a different stage in life, I call it higher level of life. I have that dream as well, but since it did not happen, I said I'll enjoy what life can offer to me to the fullest. But what I choose to enjoy is not the usual thing, not the ordinary thing that most people of my age do. Not so many women of my age will do what I am doing now. I myself sometimes asked myself too, why do I choose to do the hard thing to do, the extreme physical thing.

Picture taken by Mondy
It excites me, it gives me life, it awakens every blood that circulates my body. When I am up in the mountain or with nature I feel very at peace, I feel like I am talking to God face to face.  I really value the time that I get to spend in this wild places. I feel like it is important to my soul, the reason why I go out and be with nature. My recent experience thought me this. When your in this place that it's even difficult to put on your trekking shoes, your crampons or even your gloves,  it's difficult to get a good position to sleep or it's a challenge to do the bathroom routine for there is no rest room at all, or it's just too difficult and challenging to move one step higher, it's  just very easy not to have fun and just give up and not to endure. But it is in these moments that  I appreciate everything as well. I myself is amazed with the  endurance and fortitude that I have to overcome  all those challenges, and above all have the time to appreciate the beauty of the mountain and have fun despite all. I owe it all to God.

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