Thursday, January 2

Thank you 2013

"Accept all invitations to do a new thing. Dare not limit yourself. Move toward your wildest dream, take the labels off your mind, and step boldly into your greatness." – Iyanla Vanzant

2013 was a colorful year filled with so much courage, faith, and love. It was a year  full of great surprises, big and small. With what I went through,  all my experiences taught me how to be brave and to have faith in myself, in people, and in God. It was one of my toughest year. I had to dig deep to face reality. I thank for those moments that tested my being, moments that above all taught me that selfless love and a trusting heart would see me through, that  in spite all, greatness still prevails. Thank You so much for the all wonderful blessings, for all the lessons learned, friendship gained, and some accomplishments. Thank you to everyone who walk with me all through out.

I started the year with so much uncertainties yet surprisingly I was able to survive each challenge encountered and lived each day with a grateful heart. Who can never be grateful?  For despite all the challenges there were a lot more things to be thankful for, for despite all the pains there were a lot more triumphs to be celebrated, for despite all the sadness there were a lot more happiness and laughter to be cherished and kept, for despite all the turmoil there was a lot more peace and contentment experienced, for despite all the feeling of abandonment there were a lot of people who stayed by my side and believed.  

Who cannot be grateful? As one door closed for me which I had to face with humility, accept it with an open heart and slowly let go of my heavy heart, yet another opportunity came. One great team accepted me for who I am and hand in hand we help each other achieve our individual goals. I always believe that everything happens for a reason and this very one thing did not happen by accident. I am put into this to serve a purpose, to fulfill a dream.

Who cannot be grateful? I may had two DNS, both international races, and two DNFs, my 5th since I started running, I may had failed again to finish a 100 mile race ( my 3rd and 4th attempt) but I am always grateful for finishing 16 races, clocking a 1,018 kilometer  distance race mileage less the training runs. 11 of these races are ultra marathons, 8 of which are trail and mountain races, 5 are 100 kilometer distance and above, 3 of which are international races and 1 multi stage self supported race.

I will forever be grateful for being able to run in one of my dream place on earth, Machu Picchu. It was one of my best running experience,  having to run through the beautiful place along the ancient Inca trail laid by the ancient Incan people,  running through the grandeur and seeing the beauty of  the ruins of an ancient kingdom. And having to see and witness the present culture that seems  like I was brought back through ancient times. This indeed was one great adventure that will forever be in my heart. My Inca Trail Marathon in Peru will always be a happy adventure for me.

I earned my very first buckle by running in one of the toughest race and only multi staged race in North America. My second multi stage race, my very first self supported race, the Grand to Grand  Ultra, a 7 day 6 staged race that run from the North Rim of Grand Canyon in Arizona to the magnificent Grand Staircase in Utah covering 273km in distance. Having to carry over 13kg of load in almost all the days of my race, I had to face the heat of the arid and dry region and  face the cold and freezing temperature of the desert in the evening. It was tough, really tough but I had to face the challenge and I thank God I survived.

And who cannot be grateful for and feel great? I turn 40 that year. As they said life begins at 40. Yes, I am now 40 years old. I may not have so much when it comes to material possessions yet I am always grateful to God for giving me the strength to do all that I am still capable of doing now. I am thankful to God for showing me a beautiful playground where I can explore  my limitless potentials. I may had heartaches and heartbreaks yet I met and kept few people that supports me, that believe in me. They are always God's blessings.

To the countless wonderful blessings, thank you. To all the beautiful people whom I share the many wonderful adventures in 2013, thank you. You made my journey a lot more easier and more memorable. As always I say this to all of you, the divinity in me salutes the divinity in you. Namaste.

Now, as I face another year of my life, I will always face it with so much excitement for I know much more adventures and blessings will come along the way. Happy New Year to all and have an exciting 2014.

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