Thursday, April 16

Attitude of Gratitude

“Dear Past, thank you for all the lessons. Dear Future, I am ready.”

 If you never tasted a bad apple, you would not appreciate a good apple. You have to experience life to understand life. Be grateful for the profound teachings contained within times of great difficulty. When you review your life, where have you learned more compassion? Where have you learned more about yourself? Where has your heart grown wise–in just having good times, or going through difficulties? In fact, in some buddhist traditions, there is actually a prayer asking, “May I be given the appropriate difficulties so that my heart can truly open with compassion.”

Practice gratitude for EVERYTHING, even difficult emotions, because of their potential to wake you up. When life is sweet today, say THANK YOU and celebrate. When life is bitter today, say THANK YOU and grow…

It is said that the “stance of happiness” is a deep appreciation for what is and eager anticipation of what’s next. Try this stance on today by regularly repeating this mantra: “For all that has been, THANKS. For all that will be, YES.”

Thank you for this IvyM. A great reminder to self. Indeed, life is how you see things. 

Thursday, April 2

Life's Journey

'Life is a journey and not just a destination.' - a  good phrase to reflect on this Lenten Season.

Of all the things I have done in my life, most especially the imperfect and unforgivable ones, the mistakes that I regret deeply,  I realized despite all the imperfections,  nothing beats kindness, consistency, hard work, drive, passion, trust, self- respect, commitment, believe in oneself, hope  and most of all LOVE.  All these, no matter how hard challenges maybe or how bad mistakes may have done, triumph will definitely be achieved. 

All these are the great ingredients of the so called life journey!!!
Mix them all together and what do we have ... This beautiful thing called LIFE!!
But NO life is perfect...

It's simply a matter of how we graciously hurdle the blows and challenges we face in our daily lives !
All of us are responsible to light our own candles for hope that we will all be guided to the path most appropriate for us .. The life meant for us to Live continuously !! What God has shaped us to have... Believe, have faith and stay happy inside.